~尼可拉.特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)~
Solfeggio 頻率是以古代六個音階所組成,過去被用於神聖音樂之中,包括:眾所周知美妙的 「葛麗果聖歌」 (Gregorian Chants)。聖歌和他們特殊的聲調,被認為在和諧唱誦時傳授聖靈的祝福。每個Solfeggio 音調所組成的頻率,以便平衡你的能量,並保持你的身體、心靈和精神在完美和諧狀態。
The main six Solfeggio frequencies are:
六個主要的Solfeggio 頻率:
396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
396赫茲 - 解放內疚、恐懼;第一脈輪(海底輪)消除潛意識的恐懼和擔憂
UT - 396 Hz
417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change;
417赫茲 - 撤銷現況,並促進變革;第二脈輪(性輪)走出累積負面能量旋渦
RE - 417 Hz
528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair);
528赫茲 - 轉型與創造奇蹟(DNA修復、愛的頻率);第三脈輪(太陽神經叢)奇蹟帶來積極轉變
MI - 528 Hz
'Mi'用於使人類的DNA恢復到原來的完美狀態。這個頻率帶來了轉變,讓奇蹟進入你的生活。DNA修復的過程之後是有益的效果- 增加生命能量的數量、清晰的頭腦、意識,喚醒或激活創造力,收穫欣喜若狂的狀態,如內心深處的和平,舞蹈和慶祝。音調'Mi'激活你的想像力、意圖和直覺,以達到最高和最好的目的。
639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships;
639赫茲 - 連接/關係;第四脈輪(心輪)純淨音樂吸引更多的愛
另一個頻率來自神聖的索爾齊奧比例。它可以創造和諧的人際關係。音調'Fa'可用於處理人際關係問題- 家人,夥伴,朋友或社交問題。在談到細胞運化過程時,可以使用639Hz的頻率來加強組織修復。這種古老的頻率增強了溝通、理解、寬容和愛。
741 Hz – Expression/Solutions;
741赫茲 - 表達/解決方案;第五脈輪(喉輪)精神與情感的雙重解脫
SOL - 741 Hz
852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order
852赫茲 - 個人直覺的覺醒;第六脈輪(三眼輪)開啟第六感提升直覺力
LA - 852 Hz
音調'La'與你看透現實幻境的能力有關,例如隱藏的人物、地點和事物的議程。這個頻率可以作為開放一個人與全人類靈性溝通的手段。它提高了認識並讓你回到靈性秩序上。關於細胞過程,852 Hz使細胞能夠將自身轉變為更高層次的系統。
【※後來延伸為九個頻率,包括:174Hz基礎頻率、285Hz量子認知、963赫茲 -個人心靈的影響,靈性連結~第七脈輪(頂輪)】
Leonard Horowitz博士進行的其他研究聲稱已經揭示了另外三個頻率:
963赫茲 -個人心靈的影響,靈性連結~第七脈輪(頂輪)充滿活力的昆達里尼
SI - 963Hz
這種音調喚醒任何系統到其原始、完美的狀態。它與光明和全人類的靈性相聯繫,使直接經驗,回歸合一。這個頻率將你與聖靈或靈性世界的非振動能量重新聯繫起來。它將使你體驗合一- 我們的真實本質。
174赫茲 - 基礎頻率;清理傷痛——全身心整體療愈 釋放痛苦
285赫茲 - 幫助身體局部療愈
They were used in over 150 Gregorian Chants
在「葛麗果聖歌」 (Gregorian Chants)這些頻率都被使用過150個。
Where do these tones come from?
According to Professor Willi Apel, the origin of the ancient Solfeggio scale can be traced back to a Medieval hymn to John the Baptist. The hymn has this peculiarity that the first six lines of the music commenced respectively on the first six successive notes of the scale, and thus the first syllable of each line was sung to a note one degree higher that the first syllable of the line that preceded it. Because the music held mathematic resonance, the original frequencies were capable of spiritually inspiring mankind to be more “god-kind”.
據 Willi Apel教授表示,古代Solfeggio規格的起源可以追溯到中世紀對John the Baptist的讚歌。讚美詩具有這種特性,音樂前六行開始分別對應這個規格的前六個連續音符,因此每一行的第一個音節是要唱的比前一行第一個音節更高。因為音樂呈現一種數字共振,原始頻率有能力在精神層面更鼓舞人心,接近“神祉”。
The original Solfeggio scale was developed by a Benedictine monk, Guido d’Arezzo (c. 991 AD – c. 1050 AD). It was used by singers to learn chants and songs more easily. Today we know the Solfeggio scale as seven ascending notes assigned to the syllables Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti. The original scale was six ascending notes assigned to Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La. The syllables for the scale were taken from a hymn to St. John the Baptist, Ut Queant Laxis, written by Paulus Diaconus.
原始的Solfeggio 規格是由本篤會修士 Guido d’Arezzo (c. 991 AD – c. 1050 AD)所發展而來。讓歌手更容易使用它來學習聖歌和歌曲。今天,我們知道Solfeggio 規格是由Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti等七個音符分配而成。最初的規格其實分配Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-Sol-La等六個音符。直到St. John the Baptist 讚歌才開始增加一個音符。
Guido d’Arezzo
In the mid-1970’s Dr. Joseph Puleo, a physician and America’s leading herbalist, found six electro-magnetic sound frequencies that corresponded to the syllables from the hymn to St. John the Baptist.
Guido d’Arezzo
在70年代中期,醫生和美國領先的藥草專家 Joseph Puleo,從 St. John the Baptist 讚歌中發現相對應的六個電磁聲音頻率,亦即六聲音階的唱法,專為學唱聖歌而設計。他給每個音一個唱名,六階的唱名如下:全音、全音、半音、全音、全音。
How were the frequencies discovered?
According to the documentation provided in “Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse“, Dr. Joseph Puleo was introduced, through an open vision, to the Pythagorean method of numeral reduction. Using this method, he discovered the pattern of six repeating codes in the Book of Numbers, Chapter 7, verses 12 through 83.
根據 Dr. Joseph Puleo 在《生物啟示錄的修復代碼》所提供的文件介紹,透過一個開放的視野,運用畢氏定理的數字遞減原理。他在《民數記》(Numbers) 一書第七章的第12-83節發現六個重複碼圖示。
The Pythagorean method is a simple reduction method, used to turn big numbers into single digits. The values of all digits in the number are added up. When after the first addition the number still contains more than one digit,the process is repeated.Here’s an example:456 can be reduced to 4+5+6 = 15, and subsequently reduced to 1+5=6. So the number 456 reduces eventually to the single digit 6.
畢氏定理是一個簡單的還原法,用來把大的數字轉變為個位數。將一個數值中的所有數字相加。如果第一次相加的總數仍舊多餘個位數,然後再按照前面方式再重複。我們舉一個例子:456可化減為4 + 5 + 6 = 15,並且隨後再化減至1 + 5 = 6。這樣456這個數值,最終減少到只是一個6的數字。
Pythagoras of Samos
Dr. Joseph Puleo 在《民數記》(Numbers) 一書發現,單一問題或主題的重複性。在第7章第一天的引用在第12節,第二天再次提起是在第18節,第三天所提到的時候是在第24節,依此類推,直到第78節是講第十二天的最終引用。
The Pythagorean reduction of these verse numbers is:
Verse 12 = 1 + 2 = 3, Verse 18 = 1 + 8 =9, Verse 24 = 2 + 4 = 6, Verse 30 = 3 + 0 = 3, Verse 36 = 3 + 6 =9, Verse 42 = 4 + 2 = 6…until verse 78
第12節= 1 + 2 =3,第 18節 = 1 + 8 = 9 ,第24節 = 2 + 4 = 6,第30節 = 3 + 0 = 3,第36 節= 3 + 6 = 9,第42節 = 4 + 2 = 6 ......直到78節
Do you see the repetition of 396? This is the first frequency.
He found the next frequency by looking at verse 13, which is speaking of an offering. Six verses down, which is verse 19, the same offering or idea is repeated, six verses down at verse 25 there is another repeat, etc. Thus, by using the Pythagorean method of reduction, again he discovered a pattern. This pattern is 417. It is the second frequency. The rest of the frequencies were found using the same method.
The secret meanings of the ancient syllables
Each tone has its own unique potential
As you already know, the syllables used to denote the tones are: Ut, Re, Mi Fa, Sol, La. They were taken from the first stanza of the hymn to St. John the Baptist:
正如你所知,這些用來表達聲調音名(音高的名稱)是:Ut, Re, Mi,Fa, Sol, La,他們截錄自 St. John the Baptist 《聖約翰讚美詩》 (對應的英語音名為C、D、E、F、G、A) 的第一章節:
【※ 唱名的由來公元十一世紀初,義大利修道士桂多‧達賴左(Guido d’Arezzo,ca. 995-1050)在吟唱「聖約翰讚美詩」(Ut Queant Laxis)時,發現了每個樂句開頭的第一個音,剛好可以構成一個級進上行的音群;於是便以這些音符的歌詞音節拼音,作為六聲音階的唱名,分別是Ut、Re、Mi、Fa、Sol、La。公元十六世紀時,Ut改變為Do;接著,在公元十七世紀時,又依據最後兩個歌詞拼音的字首(Sancte Ioannes),組合成第七個唱名Si(字母I為字母J的拉丁文古字)的發音,而正式完成了我們所熟悉的七聲音階唱名系統 】
Ut queant laxis Resonare fibris
Mira gestorum Famuli tuorum,
Solve poluti Labii reatum,
Sancte Ioannes.
譜例:「聖約翰讚美詩」(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SugtS3tqsoo )
Literal translation from Latin: “In order that the slaves might resonate (resound) the miracles (wonders) of your creations with loosened (expanded) vocal chords. Wash the guilt from (our) polluted lip. Saint John.”
In other words, so people could live together in peace and communicate in harmony about the miracle in their lives, and how God blessed them to produce this “magic”, people’s true unpolluted spiritual natures required revelation. The above text seems to suggest that Solfeggio notes open up a channel of communication with the Divine.
換句話說,這樣人們就可以在一起和平生活並且和諧溝通,在他們生活中展現奇蹟的,上帝賜福給他們來創造這個“奇蹟”,亦即人們真正無污染的精神本性所需要的啟示。上面的文字似乎表明,Solfeggio 頻率開拓與神溝通的管道。
Each syllable was thoroughly studied by Dr. Puleo and other professional researchers. David Hulse, a sound therapy pioneer with over 40 years of experience, described the tones as the following:
Puleo博士和其他專業研究人員對每個音節進行了徹底的研究。 David Hulse是一位擁有40多年經驗的聲音療癒先驅,他將這些音調描述如下:
UT – 396 Hz – turning grief into joy, liberating guilt & fear
UT - 396赫茲 - 轉悲為樂,釋放出內疚和恐懼
RE – 417 Hz – undoing situations & facilitating change
RE - 417赫茲 - 撤消情況和促進變革
MI – 528 Hz – transformation & miracles, repairing DNA
MI - 528赫茲 - 轉化和奇蹟,DNA修復
FA – 639 Hz – relationship, connecting with spiritual family
FA - 639赫茲 - 關係,靈性家族連接
SOL –741 Hz – expression/solutions, cleaning & solving
SOL - 741赫茲 - 表達/解決方案,清潔及解決
LA – 852 Hz – returning to spiritual order
LA - 852赫茲 - 重返靈性秩序
Why the modern world forgot about them
The Solfeggio frequencies were lost because throughout history different tuning applications have been used. Ancient tuning practices used a system of tuning known as “Just Intonation.” The method of Just Intonation featured pure intervals between every note that were mathematically related by ratios of small whole numbers leading to a much purer sound.
Solfeggio 頻率被遺忘,因為在歷史上不同音調應用程式已被使用。古調的做法用於調整所謂自然律(Just Intonation) 系統。自然律方法特色是在每一個音符之間設有純淨的間隔時間,那是關於數學小整數演化成更純淨聲音的作法。
The tuning practice adopted for western cultures from about the 16th century and used today is known as “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament”. According to Joachim Ernst-Berendt, the 12-Tone Equal Temperament mistunes all consonant intervals except the octave. Our modern scale can create situations such ‘boxed-in’ thinking, stuffed and suppressed emotions, fear-based or lack consciousness, all of which then tend to manifest into physical symptoms called ‘dis-ease’ or disease.
大約從16世紀採用了西方文化的音調練習,並且使用目前所謂的“十二平均律”(Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament)。根據Joachim Ernst-Berendt,“十二平均律”除了八度音階都有輔音間隔。我們的現代規模可以創造這樣情境,例如:“盒裝式”(boxing-in)思維、痛苦和壓抑的情緒、恐懼的或匱乏意識,所有這一切往往表現為我們稱之為疾病的身體症狀。
Our modern day musical scale is out of sync when compared with the original Solfeggio scale. If we want to bring harmony in our lives, we need to replace the dissonant western scale with a web of subtle and clear intervallic relationships of the Solfeggio music. Let the music become once again a tool to raise human nature and a method to connect you with the Source.
當我們的現代日常音階與原始的 Solfeggio 規格相比較,前者是不和諧的。如果我們要將和諧帶入到日常生活之中,我們需要使用 Solfeggio 音樂中微妙且清晰的音間關係網絡來取代不和諧的西方規格。讓音樂再次成為提高人性,與連結您內在源頭的方法。
Your secret key to the Universe開啟宇宙的神秘鑰匙
Tune yourself back to the perfect vibrations
Nikola Tesla, the great genius and father of electromagnetic engineering, had once said, “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would hold a key to the universe”. The 3, 6, and 9 are the fundamental root vibrations of the Solfeggio frequencies.
偉大的天才和電磁工程之父 尼古拉·特斯拉 曾經說過,『如果你只知道的3、6和9的宏偉之處,那麼你將握有開啟宇宙的關鍵鑰匙”。在3,6和9是 Solfeggio 頻率的基本振動音頻。
Albert Einstein stated: “Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.” All matter beings vibrate at specific rates and everything has its own melody. The musical nature of nuclear matter from atoms to galaxies is now finally being recognized by science.
阿爾伯特愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)說:『關於此事,我們一直都錯了。我們稱之為物質的東西其實是能量,它的振動已經如此降低到讓人們產生可感知到的感覺。如果沒有振動就沒有物質。』所有的事質都有其特有振動頻率和,並且任何事物都有它自己的旋律。從微粒到星系的核物質之音樂本質現在終於被科學證實存在了。
That is why these frequencies are so powerful. They can literally bring you back to the original tones of the heavenly spheres and put your body into a balanced resonance. Solfeggio music is the key to the Universe. You can either throw it away or you can use it to find healing and harmony, health and well-being. Just play the music!
這就是為何這些頻率是如此強大。他們可以從音符間帶你回到天體的原始音調,並讓你的身體進入平衡共振之中。Solfeggio 音樂是開啟宇宙之鎖匙。你可以把它扔掉,或者是你可以用它來找到療癒和和諧、健康和福祉。你只需要播放音樂即可達到此效果!