2016年8月29日 星期一














虛名通脹是一個心理學術語,用來描述一個前超感知狀態。在這種狀態裡,此人滿是真理的錯覺,比如“我是我世界的創造者。”事實是,他自我膨脹地混淆了個人的“我”與客觀的、普遍的“我是(I AM)”。人確實是完全的靈性,但由自己的膨脹誇大,他緊緊抓住它,好像它是自己的財產,而不是讓它流進整個世界,回歸它真正的歸屬。這聽起來像22條軍規的情況,也是一個類似那個把手伸進水果罐裡的猴子所面對的。














“一個受過訓練的物理身體,可能發展到可以面對任何敵手的這等力量,但也會變得不穩定:因為與物理身體相關的聯繫或紊亂,會引發濫用或破壞管理系統的律法, (他會)很容易被打敗,並失去它自我訓練的所得。”

"So, the warnings are that these forces, these activities, are to have their criterion from which a premise my be made, and the Judgment that is brought to a material condition my be seen as to how it my operate."


In other words, we do not simply say to ourselves, "I'll take this psychic ability and make good use of it and do only good things." Instead, at a more basic level, he is telling us to take as part of our ideal the correct understanding of how the psychic operates. This is more like saying, "I allow my oneness with creation to express itself through psychic channels." With the first attitude, we "grab" on to psychic ability and "use" it , with the second, we "allow" the psychic forces to express their origin in oneness.

Cayce puts psychic ability in its place. It is no different from other aspects of the creative forces: creativity, love, sexual and procreative ability. It is all of these and they are of one source; de​​veloping one develops the others. This development occurs through the self's greater awareness that these aspects originate in the soul.


"In the warnings, there are seen many may be gotten from that which might be given in the development of any faculty or attribute of the physical or mental body for the developments of the psychic forces are the development of the spiritual body, which manifests in and through the physical or mental body." (5752-2)


The second reading begins with a discussion of developing psychic ability in children. It seems to use this topic as a means of driving home the point about the importance of grounding psychic talent in ideals, and it poses the question as to whether psychic ability should be developed in children.


"Should one have children become acquainted with their Maker, or their selves7 Would one have them be on speaking terms with the cosmic forces, with those influences that magnify the spiritual life?"


Thus it reminds us of how basic to our creation is the psychic How can we say no?


"When would one begin, then, to teach or train children? Many months even before there is the conception, that the influence is wholly of the Giver of good and perfect gifts."

The reading refers to the story of Hannah and her son Samuel. Hannah had been barren until she prayed to God and asked for a son whom she could dedicate to His service. The Cayce source would have us follow Hannah's example. Beyond the literal meaning here -praying for our children even before they are conceived-the reading is subtly reminding us that before we even begin to conceive of developing our psychic ability, we need to dedicate that talent to the Lord-that is, to the love of oneness.


How we think about the psychic faculty will influence whether and how it will operate in our lives. The reading now addresses the problem of the limitation of the rational mind and how it defeats the operation of this faculty.

"What shall I read? Wherewithal shall I be clothed? Where shall I dwell? What shall I e​​at? and the like, become the questions of many. He that taketh thought of such has already limited the powers that influence through those forces in life ."

In his lecture, Cayce spends quite a bit of time explaining the significance of that passage. He points out that, in contrast to the finite mind, the infinite mind cannot be known through reason: "We can comprehend the Infinite only by a faculty that is superior to reason. That faculty is the psychic force. One must enter a state in which the finite self no longer exists!" He goes on to lament the fact that we have lost, for the most part, the ability to drop our outer , finite selves. We have become so caught up in our concerns for our material well-being that we have "forgotten there is still an association of our soul with its Maker. That association is what we may choose to term psychic forces or psychic abilities ."

What a different conception Cayce gave us of the psychic. It is the association of the soul with its Maker!

We need to remember that association, then, to start us on the right track as we develop all of those expressions of the creative, psychic forces. Having remembered that, what next? The reading indicates that one should be prepared not to grab the psychic force greedily, but rather to express it, to channel it toward a purpose.

"How develop the psychic forces? So live in body, in mind, that self may be a channel through which the Creative Forces may run, flow is the current of life or of modern science used in the commercial world? By preparing a channel through which same may run into, or through, that necessary for the use in the material things. body mentally, physically, spiritually, so make the body, the mind, the spiritual influences, a channel-and the natural consequence will be the manifestations. "


That is to say, rather than asking to become telepathic, ask instead to serve, to be useful-and if telepathy would help in that endeavor, so be it! This advice echoes our earlier thoughts on the predicament of the monkey whose hand was full of cherries but stuck in the jar. We have there the image of the hand inflated with its cherries, symbolic of a self-image inflated with notions of "its" abilities. We have also the image of the jar pouring out its cherries into an opened hand, and we are reminded of Cayce's phrases concerning the current of life, of our being a channel through which this current may flow.


This is similar to the adage, "Necessity is the mother of invention."" That is to say, do not develop psychic ability for its own sake, but rather for the purpose of serving the spiritual. This advice has been well justified in parapsychology experiments conducted by ILRE. It has been found that people evidence less telepathic ability when their ability is tested simply for its presence than when it is challenged to produce something needed to help another person. In the first instance, people are tested to determine if they can "read" another person's mind. If they can, they score a "hit." In this instance, the focus is on the subjects' abilities. In the second test, people are asked to determine what would be helpful for the target person , and their intuitive faculties are naturally brought to bear. The focus here is on being helpful and the psychic ability manifested is greater-and feels better!


Given, then, that we properly understand the nature of the psychic faculty and dedicate its development to the expression of our spiritual oneness, how might we best proceed to activate our psychic talent?

"Let that mind be in you as was in Him who thought it not robbery to make Himself equal with Cod, yet took on Himself the burden of all, that through His physical suffering, His privati​​on in body, in mind, there might come the blessings to others. Not self, but others. He or she, that may lose self then, for others, may develop those faculties that will give the greater expression of psychic forces in their experience."


In the words of his lecture, let's allow Cayce to explain that passage in the most human of terms:

"The adherence to and developing of the ability to see and appreciate the beautiful, the pure, and the lovely in everything and everybody we contact-everything within the scope of what affects our body, mind and heart-will develop in us the abilities to be in closer attunement with the Infinite. And this is developing our psychic abilities within."


文:Henry Reed博士

原文:凱西的探索和領悟協會A.R.E - http://www.edgarcayce.org/ - Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. 215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061免費電話:800-333-4499 譯文:凱西中國http://www.edgarcayce.org.cn/

