2016年8月19日 星期五











癌症吸取體內的元氣 癌症依靠使用人體生命能量來生存,就像任何寄生蟲一樣,癌症是耗用用戶生物的資源。

癌症有許多種原因  有許多因素導致癌症。最常見的有遺傳、有毒環境、排泄不通暢、受傷,缺乏活力、免疫系統不好等。具體來說 慢性炎症或青紫等經常被認為是觸發因素,可能進一步惡化成惡性腫瘤。

有許多形式的癌症 凱西確認了幾種形式的癌症。在兩個解讀裡,他指出有19種形式的癌症

癌症可以預防 凱西認為健康的飲食和良好的排泄能說明預防癌症。具體治療方法有用 Iodex ,灰軟膏(ash ointment)和  芭蕉藥膏( plantain salve )來預防腫塊和腫瘤的惡性化。溫和的整骨治療能夠起到 「排膿」("drainages")作用,從而改善排泄減少變成癌症的幾率。

早期治療有較好的結果 與現代醫學的癌症治療方法一樣,凱西指出早期治療預後較好的結果。


癌症有時候是一種業力模式 這符合歷來的哲學理念,認可意識的連續性。凱西觀察到,在某些情況下導致癌症的原因是從過去的生活經驗造成的。

癌症的治療影響到很多的方式。 凱西建議各種各樣治療癌症的方式。治療重點強調了排除毒性和增加生命活力。就整體而言,用自然療法來恢復身體的自愈能力被優先考慮。


某些情況下的癌症被視為不治之症 雖然凱西總的來說看好身體面對幾乎任何疾病的與生俱來的自愈能力。某些情況下,癌症的疾病太進階而不應該期盼一個物理的治療。在這種情況下,凱西會給出減少疼痛和痛苦的專案,同時強調心理/靈性(靈魂)方面的療療癒。





2,利用紫外光療法和animated ash來說明系統對抗癌症,同時系統中增加氧氣。



Lung cancer accounts for more deaths than any other form of cancer in the United States. Annual rates for lung cancer are currently an estimated 170,000 new cases diagnosed in the United States resulting in an estimated 150,000 deaths per year.

Risk factors linked to lung cancer are highly associated with cigarette smoking which accounts for 85 to 90 percent of all cases. Other factors include exposure to substances in the workplace (e.g., asbestos and certain organic chemicals), radiation exposure, and radon exposure (especially in smokers).

Standard medical treatment for lung cancer varies with the form of the disease. Lung cancers are of two principal types, small cell or nonsmall cell disease. For small cell lung cancer, which spreads rapidly, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are primary interventions. For localized nonsmall cell cancers, surgery is the treatment of choice. Although surgeons may remove the affected part of the lung, recurrences are common.

Treatment outcome is determined by multiple factors such as the type of the cancer, the progression of the disease, and the general health of the patient. Early intervention results in better prognosis. Prevention of lung cancer is a high priority. Thus many cancer experts advocate decreasing or stopping cigarette smoking as a preventative strategy.


Edgar Cayce gave many readings for persons suffering from a wide variety of cancerous conditions. Here are some of the key points to consider with regard to Edgar Cayce's perspective of cancer.

CANCER IS AN ENTITY UNTO ITSELF. In most cases, cancer is a group of cells or tissues which separates ("segregates") itself and forms its own entity within the larger system of the body. In a sense, cancer has its own separate identity like a parasite which infests a host organism.
CANCER REPRESENTS A FAILURE OF NATURAL PROCESSES. Edgar Cayce observed that the same processes which result in cancer are present in the body all the time. Cancer usually results from the failure of natural processes such as coagulation and elimination of wastes.
CANCER DRAWS FROM THE VITALITY OF THE BODY. Cancer uses the body's life-force energy to survive. Like any parasite, cancer is a drain upon the resources of the host organism.
CANCER HAS MANY CAUSES. There are many etiological (causative) factors associated with cancer. Heredity, environmental toxicity, poor eliminations, injury, lack of vitality, and depleted immune system were the most often cited factors linked to cancer. Specifically, chronic irritation or bruising were often said to be triggering factors producing tumors which could become malignant.
THERE ARE MANY FORMS OF CANCER. Edgar Cayce recognized the various kinds of cancer. On two occasions he stated that there are nineteen forms of cancer.
CANCER CAN OFTEN BE PREVENTED. According to Edgar Cayce, keeping a healthy diet and good eliminations can help prevent cancer. Specific therapies such as iodex and ash ointment and plantain salve were recommended by Cayce to prevent lumps and tumors from becoming malignant. Gentle osteopathic treatment was also often prescribed to set up "drainages" and improve eliminations thus decreasing the chances for cancer.
EARLY TREATMENT RESULTS IN BETTER PROGNOSIS. In agreement with modern medicine's view of cancer treatment, Edgar Cayce noted that early intervention produces better therapeutic results.
CANCER INVOLVES MENTAL AND SPIRITUAL ASPECTS. Edgar Cayce's holistic approach to health and healing is notable in the readings he gave for person's suffering from cancer. The mental and spiritual aspects of prevention and treatment were strongly emphasized. Cayce also stated that excessive worry and negative attitudes can make a person with a genetic predisposition for cancer more vulnerable to developing the illness.
CANCER IS SOMETIMES A KARMIC PATTERN. Consistent with the perennial philosophy which acknowledges the continuity of consciousness, Edgar Cayce observed that in some cases cancer can result from past life experiences.
THE TREATMENT OF CANCER INVOLVES MANY MODALITIES. Edgar Cayce recommended a wide variety of therapeutic modalities for the treatment of cancer. Treatments directed at decreasing toxicity and increasing vitality were emphasized. On the whole, natural therapies that worked with the body to heal itself were given priority.
EDGAR CAYCE SOMETIMES RECOMMENDED SURGERY AND RADIATION. In certain cases where the cancer was progressive and extreme, surgery and/or radiation therapy were recommended. Modern chemotherapy techniques were not available during Edgar Cayce's era.
SOME CASES OF CANCER WERE REGARDED AS INCURABLE. Although Edgar Cayce was generally optimistic with regard to the body's innate ability to heal itself from almost any illness, in some cases of cancer the disease was too advanced to expect a physical cure. In such instances, Cayce would recommend therapies to decrease the pain and suffering while emphasizing the mental/spiritual (soul) aspects of healing.

Edgar Cayce gave approximately nine readings for seven individuals suffering from lung cancer. This group of readings naturally vary due to individual differences and variations in the progression of the disease. Thus, the summary provided in this overview will focus on the common features of causation and treatment.

Tabor's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary states that cancer "may be caused by various forms of chronic irritation." This view is entirely consistent with Edgar Cayce's perspective of cancer - particularly with regard to lung cancer. This is also consistent with the known causes of lung cancer such as cigarette smoke and environmental toxins which continually irritate the lungs. Two other important factors associated with cancer are decreased vitality (resistance) and poor eliminations.

Thus the treatment of lung cancer involves specific treatment to the lungs and general systemic therapies to improve eliminations and increase vitality. The most common recommendations for the treatment of lung cancer appear to be:

Improve eliminations and decrease toxicity with cleansing diet and hydrotherapy (castor oil packs and colon therapy);
Utilize ultra-violet light therapy and animated ash to assist the system in fighting the cancer while increasing oxygen in the system;
Provide inhalant therapy to purify the lungs (apple brandy from charred oak keg);
Increase vitality with beef juice taken in small quantities as a medicine;
Create constructive attitudes and emotions by working with the Ideals Exercise.
Keep in mind that the Edgar Cayce approach is complementary to the conventional medical approach. This means that it can be used in addition to other forms of treatment. This approach does not require you to stop other forms of treatment. Work closely with your physician in developing a treatment plan that is best for you.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.



探索和領悟協會A.R.E - Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
健康和恢復活力中心H.R.C.(Health & Rejuvenation Center)

