2016年8月19日 星期五























解讀中描述的許多歸因於“腺體的失調” 的症狀目前也被應用於隱匿性甲減的診斷。在真正的甲減和“腺體的失調”中,許多原因被提及。在解讀中,治療方法取決於個體的具體情況和他們各自的原因。
















在凱西解讀中還有許多別的方法被提及,包括水療法(4個案例),Kaldak(2),Tonicine (2),Calcios(1),紫光儀(3),蓖麻油包裹法( 2),本草藥物(1),結腸清洗(2),阻抗電療(2),蒸氣浴(2)濕電池治療儀(1),含藥的灰燼(1),榆木粉(1),酵母粉(1),甜里白芬劑G​​lyco-thymoline (l),甲狀腺順勢療法(1)。









I. Physiological Considerations

Indigestion and gastritis are not entirely synonymous terms, but for practical reasons might be used together. The disturbance in the stomach and generally the upper portion of the intestinal tract falls short of that clinical condition known as peptic or duodenal ulcer but seems to be the precursor in many cases.

The physiological progression of events, as seen in the readings, seems to be fairly consistent. There is either an "acid" condition developed within the body as a result of infection of a chronic nature (which has its terminal effect on the liver, pancreas, and spleen) or an autonomic nervous system malfunction in the mid-dorsal region from D4 to D9 - which affects the functioning of the liver or directly upsets the normal activity in the stomach when digestion starts.

Improper functioning of the liver, pancreas, and spleen in turn creates "used, refused energies" in the circulatory system; and these in turn suppress assimilation of necessary food substances in the lacteal duct area of the small intestine. This is the area of lymphatic tissue which is known as the Peyer’s patch area.

With such accumulation of dross, so to speak, the disturbed impulses to the digestive area are magnified in their effect and gastritis and indigestion are a natural result. At this point the stomach refuses to digest food taken into it, there is further irritation of the walls of the stomach and the duodenum; and this by its local effect acts as a disturbance toward normal assimilation in the upper small intestine. Thus the effect is heightened and perpetuated.

Occasionally the condition described in the nervous system was that of a tautness, which would certainly imply a general nervousness of the body or what we know as stress or tension. Some of the complications, and certainly the cycle effect, continuing manifestation of indigestion, would not be present if the toxic and waste products were fully removed from the system. Thus the eliminations as a whole are involved in this lack of full function.

II. Rationale of Therapy

In approaching therapy, we should remember that the body has a capability of normal function:

Thus, we would administer those activities which would bring a normal reaction through these portions, stimulating them to an activity from the body itself, rather than the body becoming dependent upon supplies that are robbing portions of the system to produce activity in other portions or the system receiving elements or chemical reactions being supplied without arousing the activity of the system itself for a more normal condition. (1968-3)
In view of the mechanisms involved in the production of gastritis or indigestion, it becomes apparent that the first aim in therapy is to neutralize and cleanse the stomach. This would effect a better possibility of adequate assimilation. Then the eliminations should be brought to a more adequate level so that overloading of the circulation could be relieved. It is important to keep the eliminations stimulated to some extent until balance is achieved.

The next aim is to balance the nervous systems, so that impulses which are being sent to the liver, the pancreas, the spleen, and the digestive organs themselves might be corrected and balanced. In this manner the inflammation present might be corrected more easily.

The final step is the restoration of normal assimilation and the rebuilding of those forces within the body which will act as a constructive influence in function.

It is important to be aware of the fact that this condition perpetuates itself through the influence exerted on the assimilation of the body. Thus we find the necessity of continuing therapy in cycles, to build tip the entire body and break up the tendencies to continue the cycle of dis-ease.

III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen

Cleansing of the stomach can be brought about by drinking quantities of pure water. However, Cayce suggested elm water to several people who had considerable irritation and suggested they drink only this as water intake. Elm water is prepared by taking a pinch of the powdered elm, putting it in a cup of water that has had an ice cube added. After allowing it to steep for three minutes, drink it cool. This apparently acts to combat the acidity present. Saffron tea - tea made with yellow or American saffron - was also suggested frequently, to "coat the whole of the stomach proper" just prior to the meal being taken. This should be used prior to each meal and can be made up by taking three teaspoons of saffron, adding it to 16 ounces of water and letting it steep for a half to three quarters of an hour. If an entire meal is made out of raw vegetables, no saffron need be taken beforehand.

A teaspoon of Milk of Magnesia is suggested after each meal. Alka-Seltzer should be used only after two or three doses of Castoria are taken. These measures would cleanse and quiet the condition of the stomach.

To stimulate the eliminations, colonics may be used in a planned series; Castoria or other mild cathartics; or in one case an oil colonic irrigation was suggested to soothe the tissues of the colon.

As the local conditions are being soothed, it becomes necessary to balance the nervous systems by the use of regular manipulations of an osteopathic nature, paying particular attention to the middle dorsal areas.

Assimilation is aided by changing the nature of the diet, tending more toward that of an alkaline-reacting nature. The diet suggested for [5545] is a good example. Beef juice may be taken.

Referred to as medicine, beef juice should be taken in most cases a tablespoon a day and it is to be sipped throughout the day.

Should we not attempt to awaken the inner forces to God's presence? "For, all heating comes from the one source. And whether there is the application of foods, exercise, medicine, or even the knife, it is to bring the consciousness of the forces within the body that aid in reproducing themselves-the awareness of creative or God forces." (2696-1)
[Note: The preceding overview was written by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician's Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

Solved: The Riddle of Illness by Stephen Langer,MD, Keats Publishing, New Canaan, Conn., 1984
Wilson's Syndrome by E. Denis Wilson, MD, Cornerstone Publishing Co., Orlando, Fl., 1991
Hypothyroidism: The Unsuspected Illness by Broda O. Barnes, MD, Thomas E. Crowell Co., New York, 1976
[註:以上文章由Dana Myatt, ND所寫,包括甲減的循環改變]


探索和領悟協會A.R.E - Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
健康和恢復活力中心H.R.C.(Health & Rejuvenation Center)

