2016年8月19日 星期五



1. 生理概述

痔瘡,通常被稱為“堆積(piles)”,在醫學著作中被定義為:由於直腸及肛門的各部分組織之間的互相壓迫,而使該部分的血管呈現腫脹擴張的狀態。(摘自道蘭醫學字典Dorland's Medical Dictionary,第24版)












2. 治療原理













薄荷膏 4盎司
3滴被磨成粉狀的煙草​​(精油), 6格令
白色橄欖香皂, 2格令
奶油(牛奶的脂肪) 3盎司
Berton 的燭花 15格令
樟腦精油 1滴
桉樹精油 2滴
奶油 1盎司
安息香膠酊 10滴
原子碘 5滴(或者是碘酒,原子碘酒去除了輕微毒性-普通碘酒相對Atomidine比較為便宜)
被磨成粉末狀的煙草或燭花,(燭花更好)這​​種粉末Atomidine 3Grain


凱西向一些前來諮詢的患者推薦:一種叫做Pazo的藥膏或栓劑,目前這種藥膏可以在市場上買到並且包含有效成分。藥膏成分包含:苯坐卡因benzocaine和麻黃鹼硫酸鹽的混合物,氧化鋅,樟腦和軟化劑。除此之外,當前也有其他的可用的藥物,包括Rectal Medicone(苯坐卡因benzocaine,oxyquinoline sulphate,氧化鋅,薄荷醇,秘魯可可油香膏);Nurses Brand suppositories and 軟膏(苯坐卡因benzocaine,氧化鋅,bismuth subgallate,para-cholormeta-xylenol,秘魯香膏);和Preparation H(活酵母細胞分泌物,2000單位的phenylmercuric nitrate,鯊魚肝油)等等。


除以上之外,凱西還建議經常將一種混合液加入或註射進肛門口內,混合液組成如下:甘油,碳酸(carbolic acid)和Nujol或Usoline(俄羅斯白油)。儘管3種物質在不同案例中含量不等,可是它們的功效是一致的。這種物質搭配,其藥效和Tim也不完全相同。在對於一位前來詢問並有過流血經歷的50歲婦女的解讀中,凱西認為採取這種混合物治療對患者說是最好的。


在混合這些物質的過程中,凱西特別強調:在加入the Nujol之前,甘油和碳酸必須被充分的混合攪拌。以下是在不同解讀中凱西建議的物質配比:

甘油 1盎司 1 1 1 1 1 1
碳酸(Carbolic acid) 7滴 2 3 5 2 4 2
Nujol (or Usoline) 16 盎司 1 3 4 4 4 2

最常使用的組合是:1盎司甘油,2滴碳酸(carbolic acid),2盎司Nujol。在解讀中,這種組合曾9次被提及到。在曾經的案例中,用球狀注射器將混合液送至第1、2括約肌,注射量為1-1.5盎司每次,時間跨度從每週一次到每月一次不等。“用注射器推入,此時身體應蜷曲狀,用膝蓋和肘部,或者肩部著地。”(解讀404-8)


















3. 建議的治療方案






1盎司=28.349523125克 1美製加侖=3.785411784立方分米
1格令=0.0648克 1打蘭=1.7718451953125克



I. Physiological Considerations

Hemorrhoids, more commonly called "piles," are defined in medical literature as varicose dilatations of veins of the superior or inferior hemorrhoidal plexus. (Dorland's Medical Dictionary, 24th ed.)

Hemorrhoids are sac-like developments filled with lymph and blood vessels, and always located in conjunction with the two rings of sphincter muscle tissue that guard the opening of the rectum to the outside. The sacs often extrude out of the anus. Sometimes hemorrhoids are located higher in the canal and stay inside. They often bleed, especially when the lining of the anal orifice is irritated and thinned. And they sometimes bleed into the sac and cause a thrombosed hemorrhoid, this being the most troublesome.

Itching and bleeding are the two most significant symptoms, although often there is also pain associated with the condition.

In reviewing some 104 readings given for 65 different individuals, one finds a consistent story:
There is always an underlying disturbance of function in the physiological balance. The most common disturbances are:

Excess acidity in the body (superacidity)
Disturbance of the hepatic circulation and related autonomic nervous system imbalances
Nervousness, worry, emotions, anxiety, irritation - those things that we usually term "stresses"
Constipation, which usually has its own set of predisposing factors.
In one instance, [98] was on her feet too much, helping to bring on the condition in this 34-year-old woman but there were other factors involved. An osteopathic "lesion," circular in type, had laid the foundation. The lesion was in the sixth and seventh dorsal sympathetic center, reflexed to the fifth and ninth. As the reading described it, "The blood supply does not carry the eliminations properly neither does that assimilated build properly, and the functioning of the organs - as has been hindered - is the cause of same. Namely, the pancreas and the spleen, with the liver and hepatic circulation." (98-1) These in turn produced other sympathetic problems and irritations in various parts of the body, including the rectal area.

It seems as if the entire body is involved in the development of a hemorrhoid. When eliminations are decreased, the assimilation of foodstuffs into the body is lessened, the lack of nutrient elements creates glandular deficiencies, anxieties, and often an increased acidity. The lymph is suppressed, irritations arise incoordinations develop between parts of the nervous system and the deep and superficial circulation the hepatic circulation and the balance between the eliminatory channels are all upset.

Throughout this happening, the homeostasis of the body is so magnificent that all an individual might notice is a greater anxiety, perhaps loss of sleep to a degree, a slight weight gain and the beginning of hemorrhoids. But the change is all very real, destructive in nature, and promising more destructive things to come unless there is a turnabout. The following extract tells the story in Cayce's words:

In the activity of the liver, as coordinant with the hepatic circulation as these are a part of the excretory as well as the secretive forces of the system this as a gland or an organ gradually becomes involved the more often there arises this unbalanced condition.
With the superacidity produced, the reaction to the lower portion of the hepatic circulation is to cause a lack of the lymph circulation through the alimentary canal as related to eliminating channels of the system.
Thus, as has arisen, when there arises this disturbance, its reaction through the system is to affect the activity of the glandular system as related to the kidneys in their elimination.
Hence an excess of acidity has at times caused the folds of the sphincter centers, and the lower portion of the alimentary canal, to become involved in the disturbance because of the very lack of the lymph and the elimination through the proper channels of the excess drosses in the system.
Then, as has been indicated again and again for the body: There are the needs for the hydrotherapy treatments occasionally that is, those that stimulate the superficial circulation and that make for a better coordinant activity between the superficial and deeper circulation, by stimulating the whole of the glandular force as related to the eliminations through not only the alimentary canal but the better respiratory reaction, the better perspiratory reaction, the better stimulation for the emunctory and gland forces of the superficial or the skin itself All of these become necessary as a part of the activity. (257-199)
Cayce described to a 38-year-old man (555-7) the manner in which an excess of acidity in the system creates these distresses, by "producing a strain by the activity at the time in the muscular forces of the lower portion of the intestinal tract this forming folds in the lower sphincter muscular forces, segregation of the blood supplies, and producing the form of a blood tumor." A thrombosed hemorrhoid!

Although it is difficult to ferret out the information dealing with the mechanism of anxiety-generated problems of physiology, the readings are explicit about the fact that "anxiety has caused and does cause those disturbances at times." (257-172) Anger, frustration, or stresses of that nature do create greater acidity in the system, and thus more opportunity for the process already described.

In pregnancy, pressure to the lower bowel and rectum may apparently cause hemorrhoids. It is questionable, however, whether the pressure of the child's head is the only factor. There may be other predisposing causes not readily discernible.

Perhaps it is safe to say that life stresses, a constant acid-reacting diet, and constipation are the three most common problems bringing on the condition.

II. Rationale Of Therapy

In gaining an understanding of an approach to successful treatment of hemorrhoids, one must be aware that the general condition of the whole person must be taken into consideration. In two instances of the 65 individuals, surgery was advised. (2701-1 and 5327-1) Both were women past 60 years of age and afflicted with numerous problems. They needed immediate relief from the severe hemorrhoids and would benefit from surgery. The other 63 were all given indications that, if a therapy program were followed as suggested, permanent cure would be the result, or at least a condition "nearer normal."

Q-2. Will Tim [a compound recommended in the readings] cure or dry up these hemorrhoids without any other action?
A-2. Consistently used, it will not only remove the cause but remove hemorrhoids. (257-200)

As we find, while conditions are good in many respects, there is still much that might be desired in the body building resistances, and for a better coordination of the assimilating system.
However, with the assimilating system made to coordinate with the blood supply, the nerve energy, and the activity of the liver as related to spleen, pancreas and kidneys, we would have a much nearer normal condition. (1102-6)

Q-7. Any further questions for the relief or cure of this body?
A-7. These as have been given, if met properly, would bring near normal conditions. As to how to meet these, this has not been given or asked for. In meeting these, there is necessity of more consistency with the mental and physical activities of this body. In the diet, in the nominal activities, keep the body near equalized in elimination and assimilation. This will be accomplished more by consistency than any definite outline, other than knowing that it is necessary to keep these conditions nominal for the body.
Do that. (654-3)
Among these 65 patients (from 19 years of age, a young man, to a woman 76), the age grouping was well distributed. Each decade was represented. There is obviously much more likelihood of generalized troubles of the body in the older age group than in those in their 20s or 30s. But in every individual afflicted with hemorrhoids, there are those specific localized symptoms of itching, local irritation, frequent protrusion of the sac and sometimes bleeding. And, as described in these readings given, there must be underlying disorders bringing the specific problem into focus-such as constipation, improper diet, "superacidity," life stresses, incoordination of the nervous systems, lower intestinal acidity, and hepatic circulation imbalances as well as an incoordination between the deep and superficial circulation.

Obviously, use of Tim only in all instances will not bring removal of both the cause and the hemorrhoid, as Cayce indicated might happen for 257-200. But consistency is a part of that promise and needs to be a part of all therapy programs that are planned for relief of this problem. This is a spiritual quality, related closely to patience, wherein one possesses his soul. Thus its importance.

Most individuals are interested primarily in the relief of symptoms and unfortunately do not follow through on clearing up the systemic malfunctions that brought the symptoms into being. Cayce was not unaware of that in his information, and gave much material on caring for those irritations, the itching, the protrusion and the bleeding. In the course of doing this, however, he chose treatments that were more far-reaching and thus more helpful than many that might be used.

Tim is a product which was originally described in the readings specifically for the relief of hemorrhoids. There were numerous variations in its composition as Cayce described its formulation over the years. It was suggested more often than any other one therapy for treatment of hemorrhoids and was to be used both externally and injected with a bulb syringe (or such) into the anus and into contact with the rectal and anal mucosa.

One of the early descriptions of the formulation of Tim was for [294]. It probably derived its name from some of its original contents: T-tobacco, I-iodine, M-mentholatum.

To the oil as would be found from 1/4 pound of butterfat (fresh) add:
1 dram pulverized tobacco or snuff, with
2 minims mentholatum, or oil of same, with
1 drop or minim of tincture iodine.
This to be used as salve or lotion for such conditions or abrasions, internal or external. Apply that to the body. We will bring better relief and relations to the whole physical body, with the action of the physical when in the subconscious or subnormal condition. (294-24)
Two other suggestions of interest came from reading 953-9:

Butter rendered,
4 ounces Mentholatum,
3 minims Pulverized tobacco, 6 grains
White Castile soap, 2 grains

And 4709-5:

Butterfat, 3 ounces
Berton's snuff, 15 grains
Spirits camphor, 1 minim
Eucalyptol, 2 minims

This the proportion in the preparation of Tim:
As we find, there are other properties much preferable in the use of same than the old formula. Here's the better formula:
To 1 ounce of oil of butterfat, add:
Tincture of benzoin, 10 minims
Atomidine, or atomic iodine, 5 minims (or iodine, though atomic iodine is that with the poison out-but plain iodine is not as expensive as the Atomidine)
Powdered tobacco or snuff, preferably the snuff-the powdered, 3 drams
Stir well together. Preferable that this never be put in tin, but rather in the porcelain or glass and should be in an ounce or ounce and a quarter hexagon-shaped jar, preferably. The directions would be to apply as an ointment to affected portions once or twice each day. Rest as much as possible after application, with the feet elevated above the head. It'll cure it! (1800-20)
This preparation (1800-20) is more of an ointment, with more of the snuff or tobacco in it, and is probably meant only as an external application. It lacks the mentholatum, present in earlier formulations. It is not easy to determine which of the suggested formulas is best to use consistently.

Cayce suggested for some of his questioners an ointment or suppository called Pazo. It is still on the market and has as active ingredients: a combination of benzocaine and ephedrine sulphate, zinc oxide, and camphor in an emollient base. Other currently available products include Rectal Medicone (benzocaine, oxyquinoline sulphate, zinc oxide, menthol, balsam of Peru and cocoa butter) Calmol 4 (Norwegian cod liver oil, zinc oxide, bismuth subgallate, balsam of Peru and cocoa butter) Nurses Brand suppositories and ointment (benzocaine, zinc oxide, bismuth subgallate, para-cholormeta-xylenol and balsam of Peru) and Preparation H (live yeast cell derivative, 2000 units skin respiratory factor per ounce of suppository, shark liver oil and phenylmercuric nitrate) among others.

It is interesting to look at the composition of these various substances and see how similar they are. All of them lack the butterfat and the pulverized tobacco found in Tim, but Pazo is probably the closest to the Tim formulation. These substances no doubt work as a soothing agent as well as an astringent, making the folds of the tissues retract and become more normal.

Cayce suggested also quite frequently another substance which always was to be inserted or injected into the anal orifice, a combination of glycerin, carbolic acid, and Nujol or Usoline (Russian white oil). The three substances were always the same although in differing quantities at different times. The action of this formulation was not the same as Tim. It was described best for a 50-year-old woman who had just experienced bleeding and asked the question as to why:

The conditions that formed in the lymph pocket, thus allowing for the emptying of same. Thus the character of enema indicated is not only to act as a healing influence and to prevent the folds reforming, but is to allay the disturbance and prevent the tissue that has broken from becoming scar tissue and again causing disturbance. (404-8)
In giving instructions regarding the compounding of this substance, Cayce was specific in insisting that the glycerine and carbolic acid be very thoroughly mixed before being combined with the Nujol. Here are some of the differences from several readings in compounding the substance:

Glycerine 1 ounce 1 1 1 1 1 1
Carbolic acid 7 drops 2 3 5 2 4 2
Nujol (or Usoline) 16 ounces 1 3 4 4 4 2
The most frequent combination was one ounce of glycerin, two drops of carbolic acid and two ounces of Nujol. It was suggested nine times in the readings. This was to be injected with a bulb syringe, forcefully enough to go above the first and second sphincter muscles usually about one to one-and-a-half ounces at a time, and about once a week up to once a month. ";Use this in syringe that may force same, as a pump, you see with the body reclining upon the knee and the elbow, or knee and shoulders."; (404-8)

Another direct therapy described in the readings is a specific exercise. Cayce told a 19-year-old young man what he might expect from using this exercise: ";This done several times each day, very slowly, will gradually lift the sphincter muscle and thus remedy the hemorrhoid condition."; (3678-1)

Directions were somewhat complicated. To put together several suggestions, it would go something like this: First, wear as few clothes as possible. Then, while standing erect, slowly rise on your toes, inhaling through your nose, and at the same time, bring your arms slowly upwards till the hands are high above your head, your palms toward the front. Then, while exhaling through your mouth, slowly bend forward, keeping your hands still above your head, finally touching them to the floor, while still on tip toe. Then, again flat on both feet. Then still keeping your hands in the same position above your head, inhale again through your nose as you rise once more on your toes till you have again become upright. Then repeat the bending as described. Do this five or six times, very slowly, both morning and evening, more often if desired. But continue the frequency chosen consistently until the condition has cleared up and the underlying causes have been eradicated. Otherwise, the same forces that brought hemorrhoids into being the first time will cause them to recur.

For very painful acute hemorrhoids, ice can be used directly on the protruding part. Cold, then hot packs are also useful. In our own experience, castor oil packs can be very soothing and help the swelling to subside.

The underlying causes, however, are to be dealt with in other ways. Incoordination between the nervous systems (cerebrospinal and autonomic) becomes most acute in these conditions in the lumbosacral area, but sometimes involves the whole spine. Since it is the sacral parasympathetic outflow that controls the lower bowel, it is then this area that deserves the most attention.

Osteopathy plays an important role in correcting the body. In reading 654-3, Cayce told a woman: "Use Tim ointment as has been given for such conditions. This applied, with the proper manipulation in the lumbar and sacral region, will permanently relieve this body of such conditions."

Exercises, however, do much of this and another woman who had failed to do her exercises needed the osteopathic or chiropractic corrections afterward. (288-47)

A 35-year-old woman, [98], was advised to have osteopathic treatments to the dorsal region-once a week only. Every other treatment, however, "should be a full gentle massage, manipulating all of the centers throughout the cerebrospinal system not neglecting the sacral and coccyx." (98-1) One osteopath was directed to treat the third, fourth, and ninth dorsal areas especially concerning liver activity. (416-14) Another direction was to have treatments after the glycerin-carbolic acid combination was used and salt heat was applied across the lower back-then colonics in three days. And then, the manipulations. (462-14)

The violet ray was to be used for 15 minutes along both sides of the entire spine in one instance, immediately after the osteopath had finished. In reading 106-12, manipulations were suggested to "relax the body from the centers that radiate through this portion of the body, or specifically from the seventh and eighth dorsal to the fourth lumbar."

So it can be seen that more general malfunctions of the body need attention. Hot Epsom salt packs or hot castor oil packs were recommended to be used across the lumbar and sacral areas to relieve tension and aid when manipulations were given. In one instance (28847), gentle rubs were suggested to be given across the small of the back with mutton tallow, spirits of turpentine and spirits of camphor equal parts-with a hot pack placed over the back afterwards. And in another instance, diathermy was to be applied "giving low heat between cerebrospinal and sympathetic systems." (337-23)

Diet is always important in keeping the body balanced. Here it is advised to keep down the acidity which is often very high. An alkaline-reacting diet then is most important. Less sugars, less starch fish, fowl, or lamb, but no red meats. Little coffee or tea-rather Ovaltine or cocoa for most individuals. Whole wheat bread is OK but cut out beer especially, and liquors. No fried foods. Condiments or pickles or the like hinder the flow of lymph through the lower portions of the abdominal area with hemorrhoids, it is in that area that lymph is absent and acidity is highest. Fresh green vegetables help the eliminations, which in turn aid in the assimilation of substances which build and replenish the physical body. In specific questions asked by [257] both raw and canned tomatoes were said to be well for the body.

Olive oil in small amounts was suggested several times as food for the body and helpful to the intestinal tract. Although not in this particular set of readings, it is present elsewhere that garlic is highly beneficial to the intestines.

For better eliminations, colonics were frequently suggested, as well as ordinary enemas. Glyco-Thymoline added to the water was often seen to be beneficial. Eno salts were suggested as alternatives to the colonics. Two selections describe interesting information about this particular laxative:

Q-9. Is it good for the system to soften the stool with a salt which I am now using? Carlsbad Salts?
A-9. The use of the Eno salts would be preferable. Here is the variation: Eno is a vegetable or fruit salts, while Carlsbad is a mineral - and hence [the Eno is] active more upon the upper portion of the duodenum and through the upper portion of the jejunum in creating a great quantity of the lymph circulation.
And read or study that which we have indicated, as to what takes place with the lymph in the activities of assimilation. The fruit salts would be the better, and occasionally an oil. (257-200)

Q-6. What is a good laxative for this body?
A-6. Eno salts is the best laxative for this body, for this is of the fruit nature and not mineral-that would cause disturbance or hardening activities through the conditions in the stomach, as well as through those activities in the liver and the kidneys. This also should be taken in just small doses, almost every day, for periods of a week at a time - and will be most beneficial. (462-13)
It would seem that the fruit laxative increases the flow of lymph in the walls of the upper intestines where assimilation takes place whereas a mineral laxative would make assimilation more difficult through a "hardening" process. Improper assimilation of nutrients affects not only the organs involved but the entire body, and in this instance is a hindrance to the process of overcoming the hemorrhoids.

To correct hemorrhoids in the early stages, simply treat the local condition with an application and follow through with the stretching exercise. But when significant body malfunction has brought about the condition, the underlying causes must also be attended to, or the hemorrhoids will not be resolved.

III. Suggested Therapeutic Regimen

Therapy for hemorrhoids should be directed first at the local condition, then at the underlying causes. A simplified program of therapy is the procedure Cayce followed most often, with many variations, of course. The following regimen might be termed a basic approach, with deviations made according to the needs of the particular individual, and in line with the material already presented in the earlier part of this commentary.

Local Treatment

Use Tim (preferably) or Pazo or a similar substance after each bowel movement. It can be used directly on the hemorrhoid or injected with a bulb syringe into the anal orifice, or both. When used with bulb syringe, one to two teaspoonfuls may be inserted into the area above the sphincters. Preparations other than Tim are now available with applicators for use internally. This should be used consistently, then, until the hemorrhoid is gone and the body returned to normal.
For acute, very painful, hemorrhoids, ice can be applied directly or cold, then hot, sitz baths or castor oil packs directly to the hemorrhoid.
The glycerin-carbolic acid-Nujol mixture is helpful in preventing scar tissue and in alleviating irritation, so is very useful for rectal bleeding this best used once a week until all signs of bleeding or irritation have disappeared.
The exercise - stretching on tiptoe and bending forward should be done in every case of hemorrhoids five or six times, very slowly, morning and evening, and should be continued until all evidence of this trouble can no longer be found, and until the causative factors have at least been addressed.
General Care

Diet. An alkaline-reacting diet, including green vegetables, fruits, vegetable and fruit juices, fish, fowl and lamb. Avoid too much starch, fats, fried foods, pork and beef, spices and condiments, beer and liquor. These are the basic rules. Studying diet books helps to develop a new way of eating and thinking about foods.
Manipulative treatments by osteopath or chiropractor-with special attention to the lumbo-sacral-coccygeal area. The rest of the spine may also need attention-this to be according to the need of the specific body and the capabilities of the physician. Abnormal relationships between the cerebrospinal and the autonomic nervous system need to be corrected.
Correction of constipation, either through colonics, given regularly, by having manipulations, or by using laxatives, such as Eno salts, which were mentioned specifically in these readings. It has been my experience also that several drops of castor oil on the tongue at bedtime provides for better regularity of the bowels.
Packs across the low back - hot Epsom salts or hot castor oil used either at home or prior to manipulative treatments would be helpful as long as the hemorrhoids persist. They - as well as the diet, the manipulations and the rest - aid in correcting the high acidity and lack of normalcy in the rectal area. Soaking a flannel pack in a strong solution of Epsom salts (two cups to a quart of water) or castor oil then applying hot over the lumbo-sacral area. Then, placing plastic over the pack and a heating pad over that will continue the heat for the next hour or hour and a half. These packs can be applied twice a week, if used at home.
A general exercise program should be adopted (walking is the best, according to the readings), and then continued as a regular part of one's life.
Stresses are usually the result of one's rebellion against what one has chosen to meet in this lifetime. Thus rebellion is really against oneself. There are many ways to work at the level of the mind and the emotions. Cayce always suggested the fruits of the spirit in one's life as a way of facing oneself. gentleness, kindness, forgiveness, longsuffering, understanding and the like. Study Group work (Search for God Groups) is one way of strengthening one's approach in this manner. Ideals must be set at some point in life, and this is always a choice. The mind builds either obstructions or a way of success: and it is ours to choose.
Perhaps the best way to end a commentary on a problem so close to the manner in which we eliminate the drosses in our bodily life is to quote Edgar Cayce's spiritual injunctions to two of these people who suffered from hemorrhoids:

Q-12. Any other advice?
A-12. Keep the mental and spiritual attitudes in constructive ways of thought for, the mind is the builder. (462-13)

Keep the purpose right-creative ever judging no one, but keeping self in that attunement to Creative Forces. (2823-2)
[Note: The preceding overview was written by William A. McGarey, M.D. and is excerpted from the Physician's Reference Notebook, Copyright © 1968 by the Edgar Cayce Foundation, Virginia Beach, VA.]

» See stretching exercise for Hemorrhoids.

Note: The above information is not intended for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Please consult a qualified health care professional for assistance in applying the information contained in the Cayce Health Database.

【註:上述文章由William A. McGarey撰寫,摘自醫生參考手冊(Physician's Reference Notebook),版權所有屬於愛德加凱西基金會,弗吉尼亞海濱】


探索和領悟協會A.R.E - Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc.
215 67th Street Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061
健康和恢復活力中心H.R.C.(Health & Rejuvenation Center)

